Protecting Yourself from Spam and Scam - Tipsheets


Protecting Yourself from Spam and Scam - Tipsheets

Learn how to keep your personal data safe from dubious spam and scams.

15 Nov 2021
2 mins read
Hooded character engaged in phishing or fraudulent online activities.
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The Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) has been aligned with the Spam Control Act (SCA) requirements so consumers can enjoy better protection across all modern digital channels. Learn more about how you can take action to increase your defences against spam and scam today.

Learn more about how to keep your personal data safe from unwanted marketing messages at

Everybody has a role to play, so share these tips with your loved ones to help protect them too. Access the handy tip-sheets below or view the animated clips here.


Spam and Scam: Same or Different?

Received Promos? Check First!

Rental Opportunities? Think Before You Commit!

Spam and Scam: Same or Different? Received Promos? Check First! Rental Opportunities? Think Before You Commit!

Job Offers? Think Before You Commit!

Want Less Mobile Spam? Use the DNC Registry

Data Breach? Take Action to Protect Yourself

 Job Offers? Think Before You Commit!
Want Less Mobile Spam? Use the DNC Registry
Data Breach? Take Action to Protect Yourself

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