Quick Tips on Fact-checking


Quick Tips on Fact-checking

Learn these quick tips on how to spot fake news and stop it from spreading to keep yourself and your loved ones safe online.

29 Nov 2023
2 mins read
A parent and a child fact-checking information online.
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We all know about the phenomenon of fake news, but do we know how to spot it and stop it from spreading? Use these quick tips to learn more about this growing problem and keep yourself and your loved ones safe online. You can download all our tip sheets in English, Malay, Tamil or Chinese.

1. How to Spot Fake News

How to Spot Fake News

2. Consequences of Fake News

Consequences of Fake News

3. Help Your Child Spot Fake News

Help Your Child Spot Fake News

4. Signs of Fake News

Signs of Fake News

5. How Fake News Is Made

How Fake News Is Made

6. Questions to Help You Spot Fake News

Questions to Help You Spot Fake News

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